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GenSight Biologics

Ophthalmology gene therapy company with a late stage asset in LHON, listed on Euronext. Independent Board Member since October 2020.

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OSE Immunotherapeutics

OSE Immunotherapeutics is an integrated biotechnology company focused on developing and partnering therapies to control the immune system for immuno-oncology and autoimmune diseases. Independent Board Member since July 2021.

METAFORA Biosystems

Private diagnostics company offering cell metabolic profiling and AI-based flow cytometry. Independent Board Member since September 2020.


Private BioPharma partnering SaaS company in which Carlyle invested in 2021. Independent Board Member since July 2021.


Innovative women’s health company focused on uterine pathologies. Independent Board Member since March 2022.

TreeFrog Therapeutics

A French-based biotech company aiming to unlock access to cell therapies for millions of patients. Independent Board Member since April 2022.

Kelindi - Malo

E-Health parenting company focused on children’s health and development. Independent Board Member since February 2021.


A private data & tech company developing models for in silico trials. Strategy Committee Board Member since June 2020.